Having set off a few hours later than we had originally intended thanks to our over-enthusiastic celebration of my flatmates birthday the night before, we didn’t quite achieve our goal to finally reach the source of the river we’ve been cycling along all summer. The way was nice, a lot steeper and hillier in some parts than expected, but follows a gorgeous route through deciduous and evergreen forests & twisting its way through small hamlets. Having left late, on the hottest day of the year and with only a few hours to catch the last train home, we stopped for a picnic before taking a longer break beside the Lahn which at this point is really only a stream. Refreshed from the freezing water we made it back earlier to the quiet village of Bad Laasphe for a gelato before snoozing the way home on the train.
It’ll require an earlier start next time! On a side note the giant bruise on my leg is actually a mosquito bite!! One of many I seem to be picking up lately….