I finally got around to half completing one of the things on my to do list as the semesters quickly coming to an end. Having roped in two friends to start a short bike tour on part of the Limburg – Giessen Lahn route, we set off Saturday at midday from Giessen with the train after, yup, a weekend seminar. By which stage after two hours or so of listening it was compulsory to pick up a coffee at Giessens weekly market. Then it was off to Limburg.
Once in Limburg we wheeled out bikes around but headed quickly on our way as dark clouds loomed overhead. I forgot what a sweet little old town it was, with lots of teeny shops which I have to check out – particularly the chocolate shop!
The route follows the river, in this case we were heading upstream, passing through several smaller villages such as Runkel. Rain clouds threatened, but after a few hours of drizzle held of until the it began to bucket down 5 km shy of our goal. Which reminds me that I really need to learn how to photograph rain properly, the photos can’t even convey the mass of water pouring onto the river and dribbling down through the tree we sheltered under. ( Despite it all I still managed to get my first moquito bite of the year – may it also be the last!). After this pause we were in the home stretch, slaloming around slugs who were trying to get to greener pastures. The cake I ate afterwards in the Lowen cafe (blueberry-yoghurt, delicious, lacking in blueberry sadly, I’m beginning to doubt I’ll find the perfect cake) was well deserved after the steep hill to get into the city alone, never mind the 30km we had just cycled.
Still on the list – finish the full distance from Limburg to Giessen!