An hour after leaving Bamberg we arrived in Nurmeberg. Where it was literally impossible to avoid a Christmas market of any sort the streets were so jammed with stalls. The old walled city is beautiful and entering the gate by the train station brings you to an old artists quarter which sold some more unique christmas gifts in its tiny storefronts. Following the main shopping street (and the red-striped tents) brought you past St. Lorenzs church (not particularly different from any other church in my opinion), the childrens markets, the christmas market, over one of the many bridges to the main square with its fountain, another church and packed with christmas market stalls. Where christmas markets are, people follow and already at 15.00 we were fighting our way through the crowds to the other side, past the international market, the partner towns market, another church and finally up the hill to the castle. Which looked gorgeous in the dark, but doesn’t come across as well in my pictures – just take my word that it and the view from the escarpments was quaintly beautiful. Heading back to the train station, we passed a stall with the “largest feuerzangenbowle” in Germany (gluhwein, alcohol doused sugar and fire), crossed another bridge and another market to arrive at the station only for our train to be delayed. Meaning we missed our connection back to frankfurt as our trip on the overflowing train was so late and had to book last minute tickets on the bus. oh the joys of German trains and thank god for mobile phones with internet. . .